Paste your δ18O data below (‰ VPDB, one measurement per line). If additional columns beyond δ18O are required, separate them with commas and provide column names in the first row, i.e.:
d18O,age,lat,long -1.23,23.21,-65.16,1.20 -0.92,24.55,-65.16,1.20 0.45,26.03,-65.16,1.20
You may also upload a datasheet in .csv format below:
Calibration: Inorganic Calcite (McCrea 1950) Inorganic Calcite (O'Neil et al. 1969) Inorganic Calcite (Kim & O'Neil 1997) Inorganic Aragonite (Kim et al. 2007) Foram SST - bayfox pooled (Malevich et al. 2019) Foram SST - bayfox G. ruber (Malevich et al. 2019) Foram SST - bayfox T. sacculifer (Malevich et al. 2019) Foram SST - bayfox G. bulloides (Malevich et al. 2019) Foram SST - bayfox N. incompta (Malevich et al. 2019) Foram SST - bayfox N. pachyderma (Malevich et al. 2019) Planktic Foram - pooled mixed-layer (Mulitza et al. 2004) Planktic Foram - G. bulloides 11-chamber (Bemis et al. 1998) Planktic Foram - G. bulloides 12-chamber (Bemis et al. 1998) Planktic Foram - G. bulloides 13-chamber (Bemis et al. 1998) Planktic Foram - G. bulloides (Mulitza et al. 2003) Planktic Foram - G. menardii (Bouvier-Soumagnac & Duplessy 1985) Planktic Foram - G. menardii (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - G. ruber pink (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - G. ruber white (Mulitza et al. 2003) Planktic Foram - G. ruber white (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - N. dutertrei (Bouvier-Soumagnac & Duplessy 1985) Planktic Foram - N. dutertrei (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - N. pachyderma (Mulitza et al. 2003) Planktic Foram - N. tumida (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - O. universa cultured (Bouvier-Soumagnac & Duplessy 1985) Planktic Foram - O. universa Ind.Oce. (Bouvier-Soumagnac & Duplessy 1985) Planktic Foram - O. universa mean (Bemis et al. 1998) Planktic Foram - O. universa high-light (Bemis et al. 1998) Planktic Foram - O. universa low-light (Bemis et al. 1998) Planktic Foram - O. universa (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - P. obliquiloculata (Farmer et al. 2007) Planktic Foram - T. sacculifer (Erez & Luz 1983) Planktic Foram - T. sacculifer (Mulitza et al. 2003) Planktic Foram - T. sacculifer (Spero et al. 2003) Planktic Foram - T. sacculifer (Farmer et al. 2007) Benthic Foram - Cibicidoides + Planulina (Lynch-Stieglitz et al. 1999) Benthic Foram - Cibicidoides + Planulina (Marchitto et al. 2014) Benthic Foram - Cibicides spp. (Duplessey et al. 2002) Benthic Foram - H. elegans (Grossman & Hu 1986) Benthic Foram - H. elegans (Marchitto et al. 2014) Benthic Foram - Uvigerina spp. (Shackleton 1974) Benthic Foram - Uvigerina spp. (recommended method by Marchitto et al. 2014) Benthic Foram - Uvigerina peregrina (Marchitto et al. 2014) Coral - Acropora spp. (Reynaud-Vaganay et al. 1999) Coral - Porites spp. (Juillet-Leclerc & Schmidt 2001) Coral - Stylophora pistillata (Reynaud-Vaganay et al. 1999) Sponge - Ceratoporella nicholsoni (Böhm et al. 2000) Sponge - Ceratoporella nicholsoni (Rosenheim et al. 2009) Speleothem - Inorganic cave calcite (Tremaine et al. 2011) Mollusk - Mixed, mainly mollusks (Epstein et al. 1953) Mollusk - Mixed (Grossman & Hu 1986) Mollusk - Lymnaea peregra (White et al. 1999) Otolith - Arctic/Brook Charr (Storm-Suke et al. 2007) Otolith - Arctic Charr (Godiksen et al. 2010) Otolith - Atlantic Cod (Høie et al. 2004) Otolith - Atlantic Croaker (Thorrold et al. 1997) Otolith - Delta Smelt (Willmes et al. 2019) Otolith - Freshwater (Patterson et al. 1993) Otolith - Juvenile Plaice (Geffen 2012)
Age (million years ago):
Leave blank to pull age from age column of datasheet.
Timescale: GTS2004 (Gradstein et al. 2005) GTS2012 (Gradstein et al. 2012) GTS2016 (Ogg et al. 2016) GTS2020 (Gradstein et al. 2020)
Decimal latitude:
Leave blank to pull latitude from lat column of datasheet.
Decimal longitude:
Leave blank to pull longitude from long column of datasheet.
Paleocoordinate adjustment: None GPlates Web Service (Müller et al. 2018)
Water δ18O record: No correction Fixed (give value below) Traditional "ice-free" value (-1‰) Proposed Phanerozoic mean (-0.8‰, Henkes et al. 2018) Cramer et al. 2011 S4 (9-108 Ma, NJSL) Cramer et al. 2011 S5 (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca-d18O) Cramer et al. 2011 S6 (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca-d18O) Cramer et al. 2011 S4 smoothed (9-108 Ma, NJSL) Cramer et al. 2011 S5 smoothed (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca-d18O) Cramer et al. 2011 S6 smoothed (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca-d18O) Meckler et al. 2022 (0-62 Ma, D47-d18O raw) Meckler et al. 2022 (0-62 Ma, D47-d18O pH-corrected) Miller et al. 2020 (0-66 Ma, Mg/Ca-d18O) Modestou et al. 2020 (11-16 Ma, Δ47-d18O) Rohling et al. 2021 CENOGRID (0-40 Ma, multi-proxy) Rohling et al. 2021 LR04 (0-5.3 Ma, multi-proxy) Veizer & Prokoph 2015 (0-541 Ma, long-term d18O)
Fixed water δ18O (‰ VSMOW):
Correction method: No correction Modern mixed layer (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 0m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 50m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 100m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 200m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 500m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 1000m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 1500m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 2000m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 3000m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 4000m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Modern at 5000m (LeGrande & Schmidt 2006) Late Holocene surface (Tierney et al. 2020) Last Glacial Maximum surface (Tierney et al. 2020) Latitudinal (Zachos et al. 1994) Latitudinal (Hollis et al. 2019) Latitudinal w/climate (Gaskell et al. 2022) Spatial w/climate (Gaskell et al. 2022)
Benthic temperature: n/a Fixed (give value below) Cramer et al. 2011 S4 (9-108 Ma, NJSL-d18O) Cramer et al. 2011 S5 (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca) Cramer et al. 2011 S6 (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca) Cramer et al. 2011 S4 smoothed (9-108 Ma, NJSL-d18O) Cramer et al. 2011 S5 smoothed (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca) Cramer et al. 2011 S6 smoothed (0-63 Ma, Mg/Ca) Meckler et al. 2022 (0-62 Ma, D47) Miller et al. 2020 (0-66 Ma, Mg/Ca) Rohling et al. 2021 CENOGRID (0-40 Ma, SL-d18O) Rohling et al. 2021 LR04 (0-5.3 Ma, SL-d18O)
Fixed benthic temperature (°C):
δ18Osw simulation/dataset: Miocene - Gaskell et al. (2022) CESMv1.2_CAM5 Eocene - Zhu et al. (2019) CESMv1.2_CAM5
Area to average (0 for nearest point): ±° lat/long km radius
Correction slope: No correction Coccolithophore - C. leptoporus (-0.0048‰/μmol/kg; Ziveri et al. 2012) Dinoflagellate - T. heimii (-0.024‰/μmol/kg; Ziveri et al. 2012) Planktic Foram - mean (-0.0025‰/μmol/kg; Spero et al. 1999) Planktic Foram - G. bulloides (-0.0045‰/μmol/kg; Spero et al. 1997) Planktic Foram - G. ruber (-0.0022‰/μmol/kg; Bijma et al. 1999) Planktic Foram - O. universa (-0.0020‰/μmol/kg; Spero et al. 1997) Planktic Foram - T. sacculifer (-0.0014‰/μmol/kg; Bijma et al. 1999)
[CO32-] record: n/a Fixed (give value below) Tyrrell & Zeebe (2004) (0-100 Ma) Zeebe & Tyrrell (2019) (0-100 Ma)
Fixed seawater [CO32-] (μmol/kg):